Guess who’s back, back again?

Well, apparently performing in an opera is really busy and it keeps a gal from writing in her blog…go figure! Last night was my last night as Zita this time round, and it was amazing. This has been such an incredible process, and as Puccini intended, I was grumpy and old, and had a blast. Of course, I am also exhausted, but it was totally worth it. My parents came to the show last night, and their support and presence really escalated my ‘life force’ (Tom Diamond’s word for nerves), and I walked on that stage last night with even more energy than the night before. So, with two more successful shows under my belt, it’s time to seriously look at the rest of my life.

If this blog is any indication, I have neglecting my life in other areas. I haven’t been to the gym in over a week, I haven’t done groceries in two weeks Continue reading