
As evidenced by comically stressed Facebook posts and Snapchats of late, my friends all have found beautiful ways to procrastinate away the stress of finals and the last week of school. There’s procrasti-baking, procrasti-cleaning, and as seems to be my penchant, procrasti-blogging. What I ought to be doing right now is studying for that final exam that starts at 9:30AM tomorrow. But why study when I can blast rock’n’roll Christmas tunes and tell you about all the studying I’m missing out on. In reality, I’m taking a bit of a breather(from 15 arduous minutes of studying), and I found another source of guilt: my neglect of this blog. I can always say I’ll be better next week, next month, or next semester, but I’m tired of that lack of commitment….or I really don’t want to study. Regardless, in less than 12 hours, I’ll be sitting in that classroom either weeping or scribbling furiously, and according to our prof, in 12 hours and 15 minutes, I’ll have finished this exam and one completed task closer to freedom! Sweet, sweet freedom.

Yes, as Westjet reminded me yesterday, there are less than 72* hours until my flight. (*less than 48 now!) So it’s time to clean out the fridge, do some laundry, and clean my bathroom. But, since it’s the season of procrasti-cleaning, I’ve already done all that. So what really remains is to study for the cursed exam, write a paper for the same course, and pack what I think I’ll need for three-and-a-half weeks in Europe.

Spare the world’s tiniest violin because it isn’t all papers and tests before I leave, and as much as this time of year is a little stressful, it brings me to the music building more often than usual. And that means I get to see some incredible people for the last time in 2016. Then 2017 hits and it’s ‘new year, new me!’ An extra bonus of these last two nights in London, ON is that I get to see my talented friend Ariane sing her recital tomorrow night. [8PM in vKH for those who live in London ;)] Then on Thursday morning, I get to audition for yet another summer program, but this one might give me the opportunity to return to Europe sooner than I thought! That’s right folks, this program is in Italy. Even if I don’t get an offer, I should probably consider going to Italy anyways, right?

So, more music, more singing, and hopefully some successful writing, and I’ll be on a 7-hour flight to see England and, more importantly, my favourite sister! If you don’t already, follow me on Instagram @mcopera – I’ll be posting boatloads of photos of my adventures, where wifi permits! The next time we chat, I’ll be across the pond, and that is simply thrilling! Happy finals all!

P.S. I procrastinated finishing this blog post by blow drying my hair in the middle…..

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