Writing Prompt #3: ‘I just saw a bobcat jump in an abandoned car!’

‘…his name is Bobby btw…’

Bobby the bobcat

Lives in an old hatchback

Bobcat home business

‘ey, bobBY! BOB! Bobby baby! Where you at?’

Where else would he be? In the hatchback in the Beltline is where you can always find Bobby. That’s where he works. It would be bad bobcat business to be anywhere else truly. Though the landlord hasn’t fixed the heat yet, so Bobby sometimes sleeps on the roof of the hatchback. Just makes sense really. Though last night it snowed, and besides getting a little chilly, there’s definitely an embarrassing Bobby-sized outline on the roof… He thought he’d have time to clean that off before his first customer. Thankfully his customers aren’t super observant.

Bobby gave himself a quick scratch behind the ear, did a quick little stretch, and turned to face the source of all the noise. Of course! Carl the crow. Bobby forgot. Tuesday mornings, Carl needed his order.

‘Gimme a sec Carl, I need to fire it up.’

Bobby turned on the ignition and plugged the machine into the cigarette lighter.

‘I’ll need a few extra tiny cookies today. We’ve got company coming,’ crowed Carl.

Bobby looked in the glove-box to make sure he had the goods. He did. He always had the goods. They don’t call him Easy-Bake Bobby for nothing.

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